Nsysu Best

Current EMI Professional Development Program:

  • To provide teachers with more flexible and accommodating time to prepare for training, and to meet the scoring requirements for faculty promotion evaluation within NSYSU, the current EMI Professional Development Program and its achievement criteria will be applicable until December 31, 2024. (Until December 31, 2024, the current EMI Professional Development Program and its achievement criteria will remain in effect. This allows teachers to have more flexibility in their preparation for training and to meet the faculty promotion evaluation requirements at NSYSU.)
  • Starting from January 1, 2025, the EMI certificate platform will undergo a comprehensive update. To ensure teachers have a record, we recommend that teachers download their "Certificate of Completion" and "Attendance Record" by the end of 2024.
  • Participation in any EMI Professional Development events within NSYSU will be documented in the "Attendance Record." Those who fulfill the requirements of the "Entry," "Junior," and "Senior" levels in the Professional Development program can then download the " Certificate of Completion."
  • To gain better understanding of teachers' EMI capacity growth, we encourage teachers to complete two self-assessment surveys. The first survey should be done when participating in EMI courses for the first time, and the second survey should be completed when 8 to 16 hours of training hours has been accumulated.

New Framework (Pilot version in 2023, to be implemented from 2025):

  • The "Entry" and "Junior" levels are recognized based on the cumulative training hours. Participation in 1-8 hours of training contributes to the "Entry" level, while 9-16 hours contribute to the "Junior" level. The "Senior" training, involving peer mentoring, classroom observations and feedback-writing skills training, is adjusted to another 8-hour course.
  • In response to the course content, the OPEN Program EMI (GOC) online training course has been adjusted from "Senior" to a combination of "Entry" and "Junior" hours. Completing the OPEN Program EMI (GOC) course will now accumulate 16 hours.
  • Participation in Teacher Community is now adjusted to a requirement of attending three sessions per level, with accumulation starting from the "Entry" level. Participation in 1-3 sessions counts as "Entry," 4-6 sessions as "Junior," and 7-9 sessions as "Senior."
  • In the new framework, whether attending in-person or online courses, teachers must fulfill the required number of Teacher Community gatherings.
  • Each level's " Certificate of Completion" is issued only once. In the school's teacher promotion process, each certificate of completion is worth 1 point, and each level's certificate can only be counted once.
  • The new framework introduces an "Honor" level to align with the Ministry of Education's "EMI Teacher Training Program" certification system. To achieve this honor, teachers must (1) obtain certificate of completion for all three levels, (2) complete self-assessment surveys, and (3) pass the completion assessment, the details of which are currently under development by the MOE and will be announced once confirmed.
  • The current EMI Professional Development framework will remain in effect until December 31, 2024, and the new framework will be officially implemented on January 1, 2025. Teachers are advised to download their existing " Certificate of Completion" and "Attendance Record" by the end of 2024.